  • Recommendation based on your behaviors
  • Notification count badge
  • Editing notes bug
  • Bottom-bar of paper
  • Header (Button size, type suggestion of search)
Recommendation based on your behaviors
In the past, recommendations were made by creating a chronicle of the areas where the user wanted recommendations to be made. However, there was a conflict between the fact that other users viewed Chronicle as a collection of papers and the fact that Chronicle was used as their own recommendations.
we upgraded the system to automatically categorize papers into topics from multiple sources such as read-later, download, etc. and recommend papers by topic regardless of chronicle.
In addition to each topic, there is also a summary topic called daily update and influential papers.
In the home, each topic is displayed as a thumbnail .
Screenshot from 2021-09-02 14-50-45
In the recommend page, you can use bottom-bar to quickly access the paper.
Screenshot from 2021-09-02 16-33-51